How new regulations will affect your organization?

The electronic waybill gained a lot of attention in the transport industry in recent years. Since then, the topic of the electronic CMR in the circulation of transport documents is discussed a lot. Read on to find out how it will affect transport industry.

Simonas Niedvaras product owner at Cargo Sign

2/20/20253 min read

Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation

From December 2026 all European Union Member States competent authorities will be accepting the electronic freight transport information (eFTI) from the economic operators. What does that mean for your business?

How will it affect your business?

December 2026 eFTI regulations mean that your business will have the opportunity to engage in cross-border shipping within the EU using electronic waybills, also known as eCMR. Legal institutions will be obliged to accept electronic format of paper CMR. Will it be mandatory shift from conventional paper CMR to electronic consignment note?

No, the electronic consignment note (eCMR) will not be mandatory from that date. There will be a three-year probation period until 2029 to test the adoption and efficiency of digital consignment notes. Within that period, the EU Committee will gather information about the success of this initiative and present it to the EU Parliament to decide whether to adopt this solution and make it mandatory or implement further measures. So, what is the purpose of preparing and going digital now?

Promising survey results for business

Logistics digitalization demand arises not just from legislative purposes but also aligns with economic objectives. The logistics sector is seeking solutions to extract effectiveness from supply chain processes. Administering paper documents is a field where resources could be saved. Recent study conducted by the University of Hasselt (Belgium) confirmed that companies can save over €13 per consignment note when using eCMRs compared to the paper version. BLG Automotive Logistics a large German logistics company uses two million sheets of paper for the one million vehicles it transports each year. The costs related to paper consignment notes constitute 1.5% of the total costs of BLG Automobile Logistics. According to Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN), 40 million paper CMR consignment notes are used each year in the Netherlands for cross-border road transport. Hence, saving on the administrative costs alone could reach up to EUR 180 million annually with e-CMR.

March 27, 2022 Lufthansa Cargo went completely paperless shipments on feasible lanes with electronic air waybill – eAWB only. Three out of four German rail logistics companies use digital electronic consignment notes (e-CMR) survey by Bitkom says. 31 percent use e-CMR predominantly, 41 percent use them sporadically or partially.

Governmental interest

Governments are increasingly implementing digital technologies to gain efficiency and modernize various sectors, including logistics and transportation. Electronic systems, including eCMR, provide real-time tracking and visibility into the movement of goods. This enhances the ability of government authorities to monitor and regulate transportation activities more effectively. Digital systems offer improved security features, reducing the risk of fraud and errors associated with paper documentation. Standardized electronic documentation can simplify regulatory compliance and customs procedures, making it easier for goods to move across borders. It also ensures greater accuracy in data recording reporting and allows government authorities to access reliable and up-to-date information. It seems that governmental interest is also substantial, so there is very little doubt that the government will drop this initiative.

How CO2 reporting might be related to eCMR?

According to Scope 3, supply companies are expected to fulfill obligations and record CO2 emissions for reporting purposes. To prove emissions, certified evidence will be required. Cargo Sign assumes that most convenient, business and government friendly reporting could be a CO2 footprint on eCMR. It will define how much CO2 emission was caused to transport certain goods for certain consignors based on eCMR data. This information could be easily accessed or passed through eFTI platforms to related parties.

Why consignors will seek CO2 friendly transport companies?

To report low emissions supply companies will be seeking environmentally friendly logistics partners. EU is aiming to reduce CO2 emissions and urging businesses to adopt greener solutions. For example, Germany is one of the first countries to implement the EU measure, approving an increase in all Toll Collect roads for Euro VI class trucks from December 1, 2023. This increase is due to the incorporation of a new CO2 pollution coefficient for vehicles, which means that the toll rate per kilometer will additionally depend on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by a vehicle. Probably in the near future, the same taxes will apply not just to transport companies. Facing this future, logistic companies should start thinking how to monitor their CO2 emissions, reduce them, and maintain a feasible CO2 record to attract clients. Cargo Sign is the right tool for that.