Cargo Sign Features

eCMR with CO2 calculator

Cargo Sign introduces an advanced electronic consignment note (eCMR) solution with an integrated CO2 calculator. This calculator computes potential carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from prefilled data and aligns with global standards such as ISO 14083:2023, GHG Protocol, GLEC framework, and DIN EN 16258, ensuring consistent reporting credibility. In compliance with French Decree No. 2011-1336 on CO2 emission reporting, Cargo Sign leverages its extensive experience, recognizing the significance of Scope 3 emissions reporting. Our solution guarantees greenhouse gases reporting for consignors by imprinting a CO2 stamp on the consignment note, simplifying the tracking process and ensuring certified CO2 emission declarations.

Sign on tablet and web

The transition from traditional paper CMR to electronic CMR (eCMR) brings significant benefits, as highlighted by a study conducted at Belgium's Hasselt University. This research emphasizes that the adoption of eCMR results in savings exceeding 13 euros per consignment note in administrative expenses. The electronic format allows for convenient signing on tablets or web interfaces, eliminating the risk of document loss or damage. The real-time online accessibility of eCMR status ensures that all relevant third parties can retrieve information instantly. Beyond the economic advantages, the shift to eCMR represents a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution. This digital transformation contributes to the preservation of forests and plays a vital role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

Integrations to ERP or TMS

Cargo Sign's eCMR software smoothly integrates with existing enterprise resource management software (ERP) or transport management system (TMS) through iFrame technology, eliminating the need for dual software usage. This innovative integration improves user experience by allowing customers to embed electronic consignment note directly into their familiar ERP or TMS platforms. Importantly, the software facilitates data import from customers' order management systems directly into the eCMR iFrame, ensuring a smooth transfer of information, minimizing errors, and optimizing overall operational efficiency.

eFTI compatible

Cargo Sign is participating in the digitization of the logistics industry, aligning with the European Commission regulation EU No 2020/1056 on Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI). Our commitment to compliance is reflected in the compatibility of our eCMR solution with eFTI platforms. The Cargo Sign eCMR solution facilitates the smooth transfer of data through certified eFTI platforms, ensuring secure digital processes in cross-border freight transport operations throughout the European Union.

eCMR storage

Cargo Sign offers an easy-to-use system that lets customers store, access, and manage their eCMRs in the cloud. It's a practical platform that allows users to filter and organize their electronic consignment notes whenever they need. Plus, customers can easily share access with relevant stakeholders for smooth and transparent collaboration. The integrated CO2 calculator allows for the calculation of annual or periodical emissions per customer and route. This helps maintain a CO2 track record and facilitates easy reporting on greenhouse emissions, including both Scope 1 and Scope 3

Send and Download

Cargo Sign allows customers to easily export their eCMRs to PDFs, giving them the flexibility to download whenever they want. This straightforward process ensures quick access to their electronic consignment notes. Customers can also share these PDFs with various stakeholders, facilitating collaboration in the logistics chain. This approach is eco-friendly, reducing paper usage. Cargo Sign's commitment to sustainability is centered on providing practical tools for the logistics sector while being mindful of the environment.